
Top 5 packaging trends for 2022

We know, it’s come around fast hasn’t it - where has this year gone? 2022 is ever so near, and that can only mean one thing.

It’s a tradition here at Swiftpak to share our top packaging trends as the new year approaches. We simply want to help your business prepare its packaging and give you that competitive edge.

So, with that said, here are our 5 top packaging trends for you to consider leading up to 2022.

1. Reusable and sustainable packaging

The sustainable packaging trend is here to stay, just like our previous packaging trends article states.

Having sustainable packaging not only protects the environment, but will help your brand stand out with a positive message.

But this year, the trend of eco-friendliness goes beyond sustainable packaging. More and more businesses are struggling with the current cardboard shortages, and are therefore realising the positive outcomes of reusable packaging materials, including how well they are received by consumers. From returnable packaging containers, through to pallets and packaging inserts, all produced from a wide range of materials.

Whilst reusable packaging can be effective consumer-side too (such as drinks bottles and retail bags), the main application for this trend is with B2B and industrial closed loop supply chains.

2. Minimalist packaging design

When it comes to packaging design, one of the hottest trends comes with a minimalistic approach.

Minimalism is all about introducing simplicity into your product packaging. It should be straight forward, uncluttered, and clear, while featuring a memorable element – perhaps you decide to incorporate an important message that you want to stick.

But what’s the reason behind using a minimalist packaging design?

Described as design at its most basic, the main purpose of minimalist design is to make content (your most important message) stand out and be the focal point. In short, it’s an easy way to make your brand memorable, as long as it’s executed in the right way.

3. Ecommerce packaging

Due to the complications caused by COVID-19, ecommerce has experienced yet another surge in popularity. This has caused a shift in modern consumer behaviour, with customers expecting a flawless ecommerce experience. Right from the point of ordering, to receiving their goods at the time of delivery.

In order for your business to succeed in the thriving ecommerce market, you need to ensure your ecommerce solutions (which includes your packaging) are up to scratch. Not only should your ecommerce packaging protect the contents during shipment, but should leave a lasting experience that invites them to choose your business again. After all, ecommerce packaging is responsible for providing part of the first impression. Don’t let the experience be a bad one.

4. Packaging automation with machinery

Automating your packaging line with machinery serves many benefits in 2022. Not only can it help increase and exceed your key performance indicators, but with  machinery, you will have much fewer people in the warehouse. This will help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 whilst resulting in a further optimised packaging line.

Whether you decide to use fully automated machinery or semi-automatic, adding even just a touch of automation to your packaging line will help increase production, reduce excess waste, improve quality, and help keep your people safe.

5. Interactive packaging

We’ve mentioned COVID-19 a lot with these trends, but there’s a huge reason for this. It’s been a part of everyone’s lives for over a year, and this last trend is no different.

One legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic is that QR codes have become very much a feature of our lives due to track and trace – and this opens up an opportunity for packaging.

Using a QR code on packaging is an excellent and efficient way to provide additional information. As a quick way to view online information, the QR code offers unrivalled potential for companies looking to use packaging to communicate their brand values.

This is known as interactive packaging.

Interactive packaging involves a variety of different executions. From augmented reality, through to packaging that lights up when you touch it, as well as games such as “connect the dots” labels.

It can also be used to bring up helpful tips about the product, such as how-to videos. As a bonus, interactive packaging helps to cut down on packaging elements such as instruction manuals and guides (who even reads these anyway).

Concluding the packaging trends of 2022

Whichever trends you decide to incorporate into your operation for 2022, packaging will continue to be an essential part of a customer’s journey and experience with your business – don’t forget about it.

If you’d like to find out how Swiftpak could take your business to the next level with packaging, contact our team of packaging experts today – we’d love to help update your packaging solutions and are always happy to talk.