
Packaging predictions for 2017

Predicting packaging industry trends for 2017. What will you need to consider when thinking about your packaging products and materials in the next year.

Whether we are truly able to predict the next big trends in the packaging industry is uncertain. What is clear, however, is that the importance of investment in packaging is continually growing. And as e-commerce continues to dominate buying trends, it’s not just primary packaging that can now have an influence on customers.

2017 has an aura of uncertainty around it. As a result a number of businesses are looking forward with a little hesitancy. But if one thing is for sure its that the companies that thrive in times of economic uncertainty are often the ones that have grabbed each investment opportunity and plowed forward with a steel resolve.

This coming year it is likely to be the companies that strive towards innovation that make the most of whatever situation we as a country may find ourselves in. The same prediction could be made for the packaging industry. Trends this year will likely be dominated by smart and intelligent packaging solutions for two separate reasons. The first, and the most important, is that these are quickly becoming beneficial to customer experience. The second comes as a result of packaging regulations and responsibilities by companies.

Below are some of the packaging trends that we can predict for the coming year:

Demand by customers for intelligent and innovative packaging design

As big tech firms continue to drive packaging design with their bespoke solutions, customers will likely find themselves drawn towards more innovative packages. As a result, we can expect to see businesses of all shapes and sizes taking time to review their own solutions for each of their products. Packaging solutions will need to become “future-fit” in a digital age or risk poor reviews from consumers.

Environmentally conscious packaging design becomes standard for consumers

Environmental awareness has been an issue that has grown considerably within the packaging industry over the past few years, but throughout 2016 it gained a large amount of traction as a result of social media campaigns and celebrity engagement. As a result we are now moving into something of an era in which environmentally friendly packaging solutions have become the standard for consumers.

As a result producers will have to carefully consider the implications of their own solutions. That is certainly not bad news however, as it means that money can be saved by ensuring that they aren’t unnecessarily producing a large amount of material waste.

Weight put on online retailers to fix irresponsible packaging

It's not unusual for the spotlight to be shone on big online retailers for irresponsible packaging, and this Christmas was no different. However, with the rise of social media campaigns, this year they will be expected to revisit their solutions to ensure they aren’t against regulation.

Annual product packaging reviews

A new year is the perfect time to review packaging solutions for all of your products. This will help ensure your products are well protected and your brand is desirable to the consumer right up to delivery. It also ensures that you aren’t producing excess weight.

Considering reviewing your packaging solutions? We can help - simply get in touch.