Ecommerce Packaging

Reduce damaged returns with better ecommerce packaging: Strategies for success

5 mins

It comes without question that products arriving in perfect condition is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Damaged returns are a killer for ecommerce business across the globe, not only hurting bottom lines through lost sales and return shipping costs but also damage to brand reputations. Effective packaging strategies can significantly reduce the likelihood of returns due to damage, ultimately improving a business's efficiency and customer retention.

If you’re looking to reduce damaged returns and adopt an ecommerce packaging solution that maximises protection, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we explore key considerations and strategies for successful ecommerce packaging.

1. Understand your product’s needs

It goes without saying, different products have different packaging requirements. For example, fragile items like glassware need more protection compared to clothing.

Therefore, it’s important to conduct a thorough analysis of your product’s durability and identify potential points of damage during transit. Understanding these needs will help you choose the appropriate packaging materials and methods. Key considerations include:

  • Size and weight: Heavy items need robust solutions. This might include a thicker flute cardboard as well as foam inters. While lightweight items might be fine with a simple padded envelope.
  • Shape: Irregularly shaped products may need custom packaging solutions to prevent movement within the box. Excess void within the package can cause unwanted movement, which often results in damage during transit.
  • Weak points: Items that are easily breakable require cushioning and sturdy outer packaging. Identify any weak points of your product and be sure to take extra precautions around these areas.

2. Choosing appropriate packaging products

Selecting the appropriate packaging is critical to protecting your products during transit. The right solution will provide the necessary support and cushioning needed to prevent damage, ensuring that your items reach your customers in perfect condition. Here’s a breakdown of the most effective ecommerce packaging products and how to use them:

Common ecommerce packaging products

  • Corrugated boxes: These boxes are a staple in ecommerce packaging due to their strength and durability. Corrugated cardboard has multiple layers that provide excellent protection against impact and compression. For heavy or fragile items, opt for double-walled corrugated boxes to add an extra layer of defence.
  • Honeycomb paper wrap: Paper wrap is an excellent cushioning material that is also sustainable. It’s similar to tradition bubble wrap in its application and protective qualities. Forming a full 360-degree protective barrier that absorbs shocks and prevents items from moving around inside the package, paper wrap is a great option for many products.
  • Foam inserts: Foam inserts are ideal for products that require a custom fit. They can be moulded to the exact shape of the item, providing maximum protection against movement and impact. Foam inserts are particularly useful for high-value or delicate products such as electronics, jewellery, or precision instruments.
  • Padded mailers: Padded mailers are a cost-effective solution for small, lightweight, and non-fragile items. They provide a layer of padding that protects against minor bumps and scratches during transit. Use padded mailers for items like clothing, accessories, books, and small electronics.
  • Air pillows: Air pillows are a versatile void-filling solution that prevents products from shifting inside the box. They are lightweight, easy to use, and environmentally friendly as they can be reused or recycled. Use air pillows to fill empty spaces in the package, ensuring the product remains stable during shipping.

3. Implement impact and tilt labels

One of the biggest challenges in ecommerce logistics is ensuring that packages are handled with care throughout the entire shipping process. Despite using the best packaging materials and techniques, improper handling by carriers can still lead to product damage. Implementing impact and tilt labels can significantly reduce these risks by deterring mishandling and alerting you to potential issues during transit.

How Impact and Tilt labels help

  • Deterrence: Visible impact and tilt labels act as a deterrent to improper handling. When carriers and handlers see these labels, they are more likely to take caution, knowing that the package is being closely monitored.
  • Monitoring: These labels provide irreversible evidence of mishandling. Impact labels change colour or display a visual indication when subjected to a certain
  • level of force, while tilt labels indicate if the package has been tilted beyond a specified angle.
  • Accountability: By using these labels, you can track where and when improper handling occurred. This information is invaluable for addressing issues with carriers and implementing corrective measures.

Implementing impact and tilt labels is a proactive step toward ensuring your products are treated with the care they deserve during shipping. By deterring mishandling and providing valuable insights into the shipping process, these labels (sometimes referred to as condition indicators) help protect your products, reduce damaged returns, and maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.

Ready to take your ecommerce packaging solution to the next level?

With over 45 years of experience, Swiftpak has what it takes to help you create the packaging that your product and brand deserves. Our ecommerce packaging solutions are designed specifically to meet your needs as a business and offer maximum protection for your products during shipment.

So, if you’re looking maximise product protection and brand recognition, our packaging experts would love to hear from you. We’re standing by to answer any questions you have and look forward to creating a solution your customers will love. Contact Swiftpak today.