Packaging Advice

Common bespoke packaging mistakes & how to avoid them

Poor packaging leads to worse issues than just a damaged product. From poor customer satisfaction, to fewer sales and revenue, simple packaging mistakes can cost your business heavily.

Not only is packaging used to protect goods during delivery, it’s a bridge between your customers and your product. Think about it, the packaging is what they see, touch and interact with before even getting to what they’re most excited about. Don’t let poor packaging weaken your brand.

Here are 5 common mistakes we see with bespoke packaging and how you can avoid them.

Using too much packaging

Let’s be honest, we’ve all received a delivery with excessive and unnecessary amounts of packaging. It’s a mistake that happens way too often by companies across the world.

Not only does the mistake cost your business in terms of profit, it usually means storage isn’t optimised, and contributes towards global waste too.

As easy as overpacking is, it’s just as easy to rectify. With the aim to provide sufficient protection using as little materials as possible, the amount of packaging you require will depend on the integrity of your product. This can be achieved using bespoke packaging solutions.

In short, the right bespoke solution will throw away needless packaging and replace it with cost-effective, innovative, and material-saving solutions.

Choosing the wrong packaging materials

Various packaging materials and products offer different levels of protection and functions for your package. For instance, paper void fill can be used in different ways to offer cushioning and shock absorption for either small, medium or large products. Likewise, there are numerous polythene bag options to choose from. Low, medium, heavy duty, as well as anti-static bags can be used to suit your requirements.

The same goes for your carton. Single wall, small and lightweight cartons can be cost-effective for your storage and shipping needs, but do you require something a bit more robust?

The reality is, many businesses don’t realise how much of a difference using the right packaging materials can make. Less damages equal more profit as well as happier customers. It’s worth speaking to an expert.

Not using eco-friendly packaging

In 2020, eco-friendly products have an enormous spot in the market. More and more people are becoming eco-conscious, with some refusing to even make an order without understanding the full environmental impact of their purchase.

Fortunately, eco-friendly packaging products are widely available. From paper tape, to PLA packaging, and corrugated bubble wrap, there’s an eco-friendly packaging product for your requirements.

As a Certified B Corporation, we ensure our clients have the means to reach their sustainability goals. With our wide range of eco-friendly packaging solutions, online waste reporting, and partnership with Ecologi, Swiftpak can help your business make a positive environmental impact.

Lack of emotional and branded packaging

For ecommerce especially, the emotional and branded side of your packaging plays a huge part in the success of your solution. Your customers should be made to feel special and communication via your packaging is key. This could involve custom printed messages, bespoke packaging tape, and lots more.

Additionally, reinforcing your package with company logos/straplines helps with customer retention and brand recognition – a fantastic marketing tool for your business.

Failure to test bespoke packaging

Your packaging isn’t just there to just look pretty, it has to do its job properly. Protection should be your number one priority.

The best and safest way to ensure your packaging is fit for purpose is through testing. Whether you partake in real-world testing, or decide to get your package laboratory tested, you must put your solution through expected shipping conditions.

Bespoke packaging experts

With over 40 years’ experience in the packaging industry, we understand what it takes to create a successful bespoke packaging solution. If you can relate to any of the common mistakes listed above, speak to one of our experts today. We’ll show you how bespoke packaging can revolutionise your operations.