Ecommerce Packaging

5 ways to create ecommerce packaging that engages beyond the purchase

5 mins

In the bustling world of ecommerce, first impressions matter. Packaging is no longer just a means to protect your products, but a powerful tool for storytelling, branding, and customer engagement.

Imagine your customers’ delight as they peel back layers of carefully designed packaging, revealing not just their purchase but an experience that resonates with them and sticks in their mind.

In this blog, we’ll explore five innovative ways to elevate your ecommerce packaging, transforming it into a memorable extension of your brand that captivates customers long after the sale.

1. Interactive unboxing experiences

The unboxing moment has become a crucial touchpoint in the customer journey, with millions of unboxing videos gaining billions of views annually. To capitalise on this trend, create an unboxing experience that delights and surprises customers for a sure way to increase brand exposure. Consider:

  • Hidden messages or artwork: Incorporate secret messages or artwork that are revealed as the package is opened, creating a sense of discovery and excitement. This could include scratch off elements that uncover discount codes, or hidden messages that are uncovered layer by layer.
  • QR codes for exclusive content: Include QR codes that link to exclusive pages with hidden content, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes footage, extending the customer experience beyond the physical product.

2. Sustainable and reusable ecommerce packaging

It’s no secret that eco-friendly packaging resonates strongly with consumers. Research indicates that a significant percentage of shoppers are more likely to purchase from brands that prioritise sustainability. In fact, a recent study shows that 81% of UK consumers prefer eco-friendly packaging materials.

With that in mind, be sure to opt for ecommerce packaging that aligns with sustainability goals. From recyclable materials to innovative designs, here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Recyclable and biodegradable materials: Use packaging made from easily recyclable materials like cardboard, paper, or biodegradable plastics. Ensure these materials are clearly labelled with recycling instructions.
  • Minimalist packaging: Reduce excess packaging by optimising your ecommerce packaging design to use the least amount of material necessary while still protecting the product with sufficient cushioning.
  • Reusable packaging designs: Create packaging that customers can easily repurpose, encouraging them to keep and reuse the packaging rather than discard it. For example, consider designing packaging that doubles as a decorative storage container or planter. This approach not only reduces waste but also provides added value to customers, potentially influencing their perception of your brand's overall quality and thoughtfulness.

3. Brand storytelling through packaging

Using your packaging as a canvas to share your brand's story is a powerful way to connect with customers and differentiate your products in a crowded marketplace. This approach transforms packaging from a mere container into a powerful communication tool that can enhance brand loyalty and drive repeat purchases.

  • Inside lid storytelling: Use the inside of box lids to share brief snippets of your company's history or mission. This creates a moment of discovery for the customer.
  • Timeline graphics: Design a visual timeline of your company's milestones on the packaging, showcasing your brand's journey and growth.
  • Founder's message: Include a personal message from the founder or CEO, adding a human touch to your brand. For example, Ben & Jerry's ice cream containers often feature stories about their social initiatives and the origins of their flavours on the packaging
customer service icon

4. Seasonal and limited-edition packaging

Creating excitement and urgency with special packaging can be a powerful strategy to boost sales and engage customers. Here's a deeper look at how to implement this approach effectively:

  • Holiday themes: Create an ecommerce package that reflects a major holiday like Christmas, Halloween, or Valentine's Day. For example, incorporate festive colours, imagery, and messaging that resonate with the time of year.
  • Cultural events: Design packaging that celebrates cultural events or festivals relevant to your target market. This could include packaging themed around Lunar New Year, Diwali, or Oktoberfest, depending on your audience.
  • Seasonal changes: Reflect the changing seasons in your packaging design. Use pastel colours and floral motifs for spring, bright and bold hues for summer, warm earthy tones for autumn, and cool blues and whites for winter.

By implementing seasonal and limited-edition packaging strategies, brands can create a sense of exclusivity around their products. This approach not only drives sales but also strengthens brand loyalty and engagement, turning everyday purchases into memorable experiences for consumers.

5. Customisation in ecommerce packaging

In an era where consumers value individuality and personal connection, offering customised packaging can significantly enhance the customer experience and strengthen brand loyalty.

Essentially, it’s about finding ways to incorporate personalised elements that speak directly to the customer. For example:

  • Custom greetings: Include personalised notes or messages printed directly on the packaging or as inserts. This could be as simple as "Specially packed for [Customer Name]" or more elaborate messages for special occasions.
  • Tailored product recommendations: Based on the customer's purchase history or preferences, include personalised product recommendations or usage tips printed on the inside of the package.
  • Milestone recognition: Acknowledge customer milestones, such as anniversaries of their first purchase or birthday months, with special packaging or inserts.

The more personable you can be, the more likely a consumer is to remember the experience – and more importantly, the brand.

Ecommerce packaging from the experts at Swiftpak

At Swiftpak, we have over 45 years of experience working with brands to create packaging solutions that create a positive customer experience. Our ecommerce packaging solutions are designed specifically to meet your needs as a business and offer maximum protection for your products during shipment.

If you’re looking to take our ecommerce efforts to the next level, our packaging experts would love to hear from you. We’re standing by to answer any questions you have and look forward to creating the solution that your product and brand deserves. Contact Swiftpak today.